Clover for WooCommerce changelog

2023.12.12 – version 5.1.2

  • Fix – Remove incorrect HPOS warning message

2023.12.11 – version 5.1.1

  • Fix – Bug with zero dollar order total on checkout
  • Misc – Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework to 5.11.12

2023.09.07 – version 5.1.0

  • Feature – Add setting to enable AVS Street Address field on checkout
  • Fix – Fix checkout page JavaScript error for the Payeezy Credit Card gateway
  • Fix – Strip non-allowed characters from Order number for Clover charge external_reference_id
  • Tweak – Add a filter to enable Clover receipt emails
  • Misc – Add compatibility for WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
  • Misc – Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework to 5.11.8

2023.03.21 – version 5.0.2

  • Fix – Partial refund support

2023.02.09 – version 5.0.1

  • Misc – Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework to 5.10.15

2023.01.05 – version 5.0.0

  • Feature – Add support for Clover payment gateway
  • Fix – Replace deprecated `is_ajax()` function calls with `wp_doing_ajax()`
  • Misc – Require WooCommerce 3.9.4 or later
  • Misc – Rename to “WooCommerce Clover (formerly First Data Payeezy)”

2021.01.25 – version 4.9.0

  • Misc – Add compatibility for WooCommerce 4.9
  • Misc – Require PHP 7.0 or newer
  • Misc – Add PHP 8.0 support

2020.09.29 – version 4.8.1

  • Fix – Fix failing subscription renewals for 4-digit card expiration years
  • Misc – Remove the SkyVerge help menu item as part of the plugin assets

2020.08.12 – version 4.8.0

  • Tweak – Migrate payment tokens to be compatible with WooCommerce core payment tokens
  • Fix – Unblock the UI when removing a token from the admin token editor that was just added but not saved yet
  • Dev – Deprecate some filter hooks in the payment methods table

2020.06.25 – version 4.7.4

  • Fix – Fix Payment.js payment for guest orders paid from the Pay for order page

2020.06.04 – version 4.7.3

  • Tweak – Ensure payment gateway scripts can be used when certain script optimization plugins are delaying load
  • Tweak – Improve the payment form display on mobile devices

2020.05.04 – version 4.7.2

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 4.1

2020.03.10 – version 4.7.1

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 4.0

2020.02.21 – version 4.7.0

  • Feature – Add support for Payment.JS

2020.01.02 – version 4.6.2

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 3.9

2019.11.26 – version 4.6.1

  • Fix – Do not reduce twice the stock level of a product when the order is held and payment is not completed

2019.11.06 – version 4.6.0

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 3.8

2019.09.11 – version 4.5.1

  • Misc – Add an admin notice when a gateway is enabled but is not configured and is unable to take payments

2019.08.12 – version 4.5.0

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 3.7
  • Misc – Remove support for WooCommerce 2.6
  • Misc – Require PHP 5.6+

2019.05.22 – version 4.4.0

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 3.6
  • Misc – Require PHP 5.4+

2018.10.19 – version 4.3.4

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 3.5

2018.06.13 – version 4.3.3

  • Tweak – Remove the Payeezy JS CSC field setting since it is always required by First Data

2018.05.23 – version 4.3.2

  • Tweak – Add payment details to the customer data export and remove it for erasure requests
  • Tweak – Remove payment tokens for customer data erasure requests
  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 3.4

2018.03.21 – version 4.3.1

  • Fix – Ensure customers can’t delete payment methods that are tied to subscriptions
  • Fix – Fix an issue with order processing using Payeezy JS in rare instances where the order total is stored with more than 2 decimal places

2018.01.23 – version 4.3.0

  • Misc – Add support for WooCommerce 3.3
  • Misc – Remove support for WooCommerce 2.5

2017.11.29 – version 4.2.3

  • Tweak – Add a filter to enable validation when tokenizing credit card details

2017.05.23 – version 4.2.2

  • Fix – Ensure subscriptions are not affected if Change Payment fails due to declines or other problems
  • Fix – Ensure old payment methods can be removed after changing subscription payment to a new method

2017.04.26 – version 4.2.1

  • Fix – Fix transaction errors when purchasing a subscription with a 100% off coupon
  • Fix – Prevent some deprecated notices when processing subscriptions in WooCommerce 3.0+

2017.03.28 – version 4.2.0

  • Feature – Orders with only virtual items can now force a charge instead of authorization
  • Feature – Enhanced payment form is now mobile-friendly (well, friendlier!) with `tel` type inputs
  • Tweak – Update Mastercard payment icon and add BIN 2 series support
  • Misc – Added support for WooCommerce 3.0
  • Misc – Removed support for WooCommerce 2.4

2017.01.11 – version 4.1.10

  • Fix – Disable the default CSC validation for saved credit cards when using Payeezy.js

2016.12.07 – version 4.1.9

  • Fix – Include billing address in card tokenize requests to prevent AVS errors
  • Fix – Adjust TeleCheck field formatting to prevent potential rejections
  • Tweak – Add confirmation before switching to the Payeezy JS gateway

2016.11.15 – version 4.1.8

  • Tweak – Add required TeleCheck ID fields at checkout
  • Tweak – Add request & response logging for Payeezy JS card tokenization

2016.09.22 – version 4.1.7

  • Fix – Fix a fatal error that occurs when processing guest pre-order payments

2016.08.31 – version 4.1.6

  • Fix – Account for variable expiry date formats in Payeezy

2016.08.19 – version 4.1.5

  • Fix – Fix Global Gateway errors in WordPress 4.6+
  • Fix – Fix API request formatting for the Payeezy Gateway

2016.07.27 – version 4.1.4

  • Misc – WordPress 4.6 compatibility

2016.07.06 – version 4.1.3

  • Fix – Fixes failing checkout error in Safari

2016.07.05 – version 4.1.2

  • Fix – Fixes a configuration bug that caused the gateway to become unavailable in production mode

2016.06.28 – version 4.1.1

  • Tweak – Adjust tokenization setting description for Payeezy API gateway to indicate that Transarmor is required

2016.06.02 – version 4.1.0

  • Misc – Added support for WooCommerce 2.6
  • Misc – Removed support for WooCommerce 2.3
  • Fix – Fix missing soft descriptors for Payeezy / Payeezy Gateway

2016.05.18 – version 4.0.1

  • Fix – Fixes an issue that prevented Subscriptions from being saved if they were created before v4.0.0

2016.04.20 – version 4.0.0

  • Feature – Completely rewritten Payeezy Gateway (formerly GGe4) from the ground-up for massively improved performance and stability
  • Feature – Simplified responsive payment form with new retina payment method icons and live inline validation
  • Feature – Customers can add new payment methods from the My Account area
  • Feature – Capture pre-authorized Payeezy Gateway transactions directly from the WooCommerce admin!
  • Feature – You can now opt to show detailed decline messages to your customers, no more “an error occurred” error messages!
  • Misc – Many other small tweaks, fixes, and improvements
  • i18n – Changed text domain from ‘woocommerce-gateway-firstdata’ to ‘woocommerce-gateway-first-data’

2016.02.02 – version 3.8.1

  • Fix – Avoid transaction processing errors when using the legacy gateway with coupons

2016.01.14 – version 3.8.0

  • Misc – Added support for WooCommerce 2.5
  • Misc – Removed support for WooCommerce 2.2

2015.12.11 – version 3.7.2

  • Tweak – Include the order subtotal and tax with transactions processed using the Global Gateway

2015.09.16 – version 3.7.1

  • Misc – WooCommerce Subscriptions 2.0 Compatibility
  • Misc – Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework

2015.07.28 – version 3.7.0

  • Misc – WooCommerce 2.4 Compatibility

2015.07.20 – version 3.6.2

  • Misc – Rebranded GGe4 to Payeezy
  • Fix – Avoid ‘invalid field data’ errors with malformed Soft Descriptor fields

2015.04.21 – version 3.6.1

  • Fix – Escape all instances of add_query_arg and remove_query_arg to avoid a potential XSS attack

2015.02.09 – version 3.6.0

  • Fix – Fix missing delete payment method icon
  • Misc – WooCommerce 2.3 Compatibility

2015.01.20 – version 3.5.0

  • Feature – Refund support! You can now refund orders directly from the Edit Order screen 🙂
  • Fix – Support special characters in the billing data while using the Global Gateway
  • Misc – Introduce `wc_first_data_validate_fields` filter

2014.10.21 – version 3.4.3

  • Fix – Fix failing subscription renewals in rare cases

2014.09.07 – version 3.4.2

  • Misc – WooCommerce 2.2 Compatibility

2014.07.18 – version 3.4.1

  • Fix – Always return a default credit card token if a customer has one or more tokens

2014.07.15 – version 3.4

  • Feature – Compatibility with 3rd party currency switching plugins
  • Fix – Credit card tokenization when purchasing a subscription and creating an account

2014.04.25 – version 3.3.1

  • Tweak – Use currently active payment method token for subscription renewal, if none is set on the order

2014.02.10 – version 3.3

  • Feature – Admin User profile credit card token management
  • Feature – Add support for WooCommerce Subscriptions 1.4 “Change Payment Method” feature
  • Tweak – Subscription/order put on hold when initial payment doesn’t return a token

2014.01.21 – version 3.2.1

  • Fix – Required file bug fix

2014.01.20 – version 3.2

  • Misc – Uses SkyVerge Plugin Framework
  • Misc – WooCommerce 2.1 Compatibility

2013.11.09 – version 3.1.1

  • Fix – TransArmor token is retrieved during charge/authorization when possible

2013.10.18 – version 3.1

  • Feature – Soft Descriptor support
  • Fix – TransArmor token is not used immediately upon being created for a subsequent purchase/authorize transaction
  • Fix – Improved handling for misconfigured Transarmor Tokenization
  • Localization – Improved CodeStyling compatibility

2013.07.16 – version 3.0

  • Feature – First Data API v12 Security enhanced authentication supported
  • Feature – Customers can securely save cards with TransArmor card tokenization
  • Feature – WooCommerce Subscriptions support
  • Feature – WooCommerce Pre-orders support
  • Feature – First Data Global Gateway supported
  • Full rewrite to use GGe4 XML REST rather than SOAP API

2013.01.21 – version 2.0.4

  • WC 2.0 Compatibility

2013.01.04 – version 2.0.3

  • Added description for environment hinting that demo should not be used unless you have a demo account
  • Fixed default for environment
  • Added processing error when SOAP extension is missing.

2012.12.17 – version 2.0.2

  • Include address verification string

2012.12.05 – version 2.0.1

  • Updater

2012.08.09 – version 2.0.0

  • Drop First Data Global Gateway support
  • Full rewrite for First Data GGe4

2012.05.10 – version 1.0.2

  • Added WC_Debug connectivity check
  • Renamed/Reorganized files for WordPress coding standards

2012.05.05 – version 1.0.1

  • Fixed First Data supplied library typos

2012.01.26 – version 1.0

  • First Release