Shipping Calculator for WooCommerce changelog

Release date 22 May 2024

  • Fix: Ensure no error is thrown and logged while browsing the front end
  • Fix: Ensure the plugin does not activate if WooCommerce is not active

Release date 29 February 2024

  • Misc: Rename to Shipping Calculator for WooCommerce and update brand to Kestrel

Release date 1 November 2023

  • Dev: Updated internal libraries and main class
  • Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.3.2 and WooCommerce 8.2.1

Release date 5 October 2023

  • Dev: Update internal libraries
  • Dev: Tested up to WordPress 6.3.1 and WooCommerce 8.1.1

Release date 27 July 2023

  • Fix: Show nothing when there is no shipping zones
  • Fix: Ajax shipping calculator stops working when add to cart ajax on archives is not enabled
  • Dev: Update to the webpack 2.0.0 configuration
  • Dev: Update to the composer version of Barn2 Lib
  • Dev: Tested up to WooCommerce 7.9.0

Release date 6 July 2023

  • Initial release.