Plugin hooks

Overview of actions & filters available in our plugins.

[Dev] Discontinued Products for WooCommerce

Discontinued Products for WooCommerce comes with a number of filters which allow you to customize the plugin’s behavior. Actions wdp_before_ajax_variations_discontinued This...

[Dev] Variation Prices for WooCommerce

Variation Prices for WooCommerce contains a number of hooks that developers can use to customize the plugin’s behavior. Filters wc_variation_prices_is_product_affected Filter...

[Dev] Shipping Calculator for WooCommerce

Filters wsc_script_params Properties assigned to a global-scope variable containing WooCommerce Shipping Calculator settings passed to the front-end scripts. Arguments Example...

[Dev] Express Shop Page for WooCommerce

Filters wc_express_shop_page_scripts_enabled_on_page Filter that allows you to override whether the plugin should enqueue it’s scripts and styles files on woocommerce...